
Meet Jamie. Analytics, The Outback and Fluffy Roast Potatoes

Jamie Burchell. A long standing stalwart of the ib3 team. Extremely analytical and an absolute perfectionist. Even more importantly, Jamie is a very witty, likeable kind of guy! He’s not the kind of developer who talks in code, he uses words even I understand! I hope that this gives you a little insight into Jamie:

What is your perfect weekend?

Get up and have a lovely light healthy breakfast (sausage, hash browns, grilled tomato, beans, toast, bacon, fried egg and mushrooms) washed down with a healthy drink (milkshake). Then a drive out to the countryside for vigorous exercise (gentle walk) before stopping off at a local country pub for refreshing healthy beverages (beer) and a salad (pie). 

Where is your favourite place in the world?

The Atherton Tablelands in Queensland, Australia. 

If you could be one age for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

22 and three quarters: No school (I didn’t enjoy school), difficult teenage years are behind you and you can drink and drive. Well, not together obviously. 

Last book you read and film you watched and would you recommend?

The Internet is a Playground by David Thorne is a hilarious book. Last film I watched was Mirrors with Kiefer Sutherland. It made me jump! If I had to recommend one film to see though, it would be Dunkirk. You have to see it at the cinema though and preferably an IMAX/ISENSE screen. Or Passengers; that was good too. 

Who is your inspiration?

Tough question, I’m not sure. Not Donald Trump or Kim Jong-un. Unless Kim’s reading this, in which case he’s ace.

What is the most adventurous thing you’ve done?

Deep sea diving at the Great Barrier Reef with Wally the Humphead Maori Wrasse.

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Roast potatoes, but only if they are crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. I’m very particular about my potatoes.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing that you would buy?

You mean after I have donated to charity and provided for a small orphanage? Probably an Audi R8 or a BMW i8, and an iPhone 8. Or something else ending in 8.

If you would like to know anymore about Jamie, ask him Nothing too personal though!